Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wednesday Night is Batman Night!

This Wednesday June 4th I am cohosting an installment of the live comedy screening show the Scifi Screening Room at Theater Under St Marks. The theme for June is "Batman Night." Kevin Maher (AMCTV) and I will be showing rare Batman-themed videos, including a hilarious short film starring Sam Rockwell and Justin Long as the Dynamic Duo as well as the fabled "Lord of the Rings" episode of the "Superfriends" cartoon. (Batman as a Hobbit! Not on DVD and not to be missed.) Plus lost Adam West screentests, Batman trivia, prizes, Bat-comedy, and a live interview with Batman Strikes writer Matthew K. Manning.

We are a featured pick on Gothamist and the Bat Blog!

Afterwards we'll journey to The Hanger Bar (217 E. Third St.) for Batman-themed cocktails and Bat-utility belt snacks. Riddle me this: What's the best night of the year? Batman Night!

Hope to see you there!

WHAT: Batman Night!
WHEN: Wednesday June 4th, 7pm
WHERE: Theater Under St. Marks
94 St. Mark's Place, btw 1st Ave and Avenue A

Afterparty at The Hanger Bar (217 E3rd St.) starting around 10pm.

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