Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Just In Videos On Funny Or Die

Hey, remember Funny or Die? You know, that Will Ferrell comedy website with the sass-mouth tot video that was all the rage for a couple of months back in 2007? Well, it's still around, and I now have a page on it. Here you can view several videos I worked on with the amazing Jessica St. Clair and Colby Hall while at HBO, and also several somewhat dated web shorts that I also wrote and helped produce. (Incidentally, I have some new web comedy stuff for HBO Sports coming soon. Just filmed a sketch over the weekend featuring former tennis pro/current Olympic correspondent Mary Carillo.)

Putting together the Funny or Die page made me nostalgic for those halcyon days when Barack Obama was just a guy with a very good shot at the presidency. Below are two of my favorite videos from my time working for HBO's defunct comedy website

The first, "Korporate Komedy," was incredibly fun to shoot. Jessica's performance is fantastic, and we were lucky enough to have The Message's Bashir Salahuddin (currently a writer for Chocolate News on Comedy Central)in town to play the part of the boss. Everyone was nice enough to interrupt their workday for our shoot, and it really made a difference. The result is the piece I'm the most proud of from my time at Home Box Office. (Do they still call it that? They should!)

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Next up, is a sketch that I always loved, even if perhaps others did not. "Tell Someone" features one of my favorite Jessica performances, and is probably the only parody of the "Tell Someone" Gardasil ads on the World Wide Intertubes. I'm happy to see it's finding a second life on Funny or Die. (Also, The Break Room was a short-lived show idea we were developing. And,yes, the opening music cue is the theme from Tootsie by Stephen Bishop.)

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

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