Sunday, January 25, 2009

Latest AMC columns

I have several new comic book movie columns for currently up. This week's, about X-Men Origins: Wolverine, takes a look at the new images released and ponders whether the character is getting crowded out of his own movie.

Last week I broke down the legal battle over Watchmen for fans. A couple days later, the lawsuit was resolved. Coincidence? I think not.

A few weeks ago, I shared my thoughts on the pros and cons of Frank Miller's ascendancy in Hollywood. Con: The Spirit. Pro: Moviegoers realize what comic book fans have known for years--that Miller has turned into a self-indulgent hack.

Finally, get your entertainment news every day with my daily round-up for AMC News. Cause lord knows there's a lack of snarky news on the Web.

Column links:

Coming Soon, Hugh Jackman Co-starring in Wolverine

Casualties Mount Over World War Watchmen

Frank Miller is Great! (Sin City) Frank Miller Is Lame (The Spirit)!

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